Friday, September 17, 2010

sailing in cairo

i'm on a roll with all of this boat talk--i guess i'll keep it coming! i went to cairo for work last year, and the hotel we stayed in was right up my alley--directly on the nile, and pictures of fellucas at sunset on all of the promotional materials in the hotel. we even had nile views from our conference room! i was hoping to get out on the water all week. on the last day of our conference, i finally walked across the street with some co-workers, negotiated with a boat owner, and jumped on a felluca. i'm sure the negotiation was a prolonged process, at is it everywhere, but in my memory, it was quick and easy. we had no wind--none at all--but it was still a wonderful way to end a long week of work in the busy city of cairo. the owner pushed us upriver with an oar, and we floated back down. at least i got some good photos of the fellucas!

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